~Good dialogue is so hard to come by these days.
~detergent smells good.
~Careers are such an irksome subject.
~it's so cold. in. this. house.
~and the climax..ohhHoh.
~Words. Words, words.
~status, uber imporant, clearly idiotic, but that's irrelevant isn't it?
~Hamsters are odd little creatures.
~Have you ever noticed that if you displace you fingers on a key board you can type peculiar sentences?
~bir qgE ///Y NBWR RI Atqm ib dXR BIE r LL AGr .y nwbr ri aT.
~That was fun.
~Merry Christmas all.
~Neon duck
Monday, December 22, 2008
Posted by Neon Duck at 5:48 PM 16 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Life. Moo.
~Thought I'd mix it up a bit.
~I hate midterms
~Stress rule life with an unfair amount of ease.
~Moo is a wonderful space filler.
~My immediate vocabulary is kind of pathetic.
~Circular thought processes are a lot of fun until about the third time around and then you wonder where you started.
~I wish I were descent as guitar, it's an awesome instrument, but, alas, it's been about three years since played mine.
~Spastic, w00t.
~Minutes tend to inch by quite slowly, indeed.
~I'm not a sleep over person, perhaps because I'm a morning person, to some respect.
~Songwriters spend hours of careful thought for lyrics and then people just look over them for the beat.
~The things that make me happy (such as this blog) tend to be pathetic in the eyes of others, If shaking their accusing stares is my key to happiness. (Not sure if that's a w00t or not).
~But these stories don't mean anything when you have no one to tell them too, it's true, I was made for you.
Posted by Neon Duck at 2:50 PM 11 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
na na na life goes on.
~Regret is an odd feeling
~Really it's an odd word, just look at that letter ordering...
~my fingers are going to be numb in like 15 minutes.
~It's 18 degrees out there.
~Music can really be odd, as in REALLY odd.
~Starbucks is stupid.
~Tradition makes me smile.
~I find new reasons to love being a nerd every day.
~Twilight was a flop.
~Duct tape.
~Must depart.
~Neon Duck
Posted by Neon Duck at 3:37 AM 17 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
~Not being average is amazing, but it tends to annoy.
~Duct tape is wonderful wonderful wonderful.
~Thanksgiving could have been better.
~Sometimes I really detest my teachers.
~Cream is a nice color.
~Glass is an odd material.
~The future is confusing
~The past is irksome
~and I have nothing else to say.
~Happy Thanksgiving.
Posted by Neon Duck at 4:48 AM 13 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
~I don't think elves would be all that efficient.
~Mustard is such a revolting colour.
~Parties are rather dull if you don't know anyone.
~Don't you hate it when you had an original idea and someone else has the same original idea, which makes your idea seem entirely pedestrian and then your back at square one while the other person parades around with their 'original' idea?
~Ok go's treadmill song never gets old.
~I killed my finger on accident and now It's really hard to type...and yet I preval, as lng as I dn't need t type o's.
~Aticipation and nerves kill your stomach.
~My head is preoccupied with nothing. It's not functioning properly.
~Seldom is.
~I'm going to the theatre.
~Just when you think you know a person they completely change.
~my finger is swelling like a sausage.
~2000 wasn't - in the grand scheme of things - very long ago.
~Not very long ago has a way of turning things on it's head.
~I am going to cover everything going on in my head.
~Explosion of nothing creating nothing that mutates into RANDOM *jazz hands are required here*
Posted by Neon Duck at 2:22 PM 15 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Life choices.
~I'm so stressed.
~Publishers are very formidable.
~Homework is lethal, no one will listen to me on that theory, though.
~I don't have the ability to sleep in, I'm like some sort of old person in that respect, I don't know, call it a personality quirk.
~Being old would make me peeved.
~people are so peculiar.
~I think it'd be fun to be a fortune teller.
~Is lying an occupation?
~the shuffle button on my iPod is a cultural experience.
~The beam bit me, it hurt.
~I think I'm a perfectionist in denial.
~In the same setting everyday it's hard to pull the random off.
~Quantum of solace came out, w00t!
~Gotta go attend to my cello.
Posted by Neon Duck at 6:53 AM 13 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
Moving Mountains.
~If I take a big jump, perhaps it may form into a small leap. In which case one can move mountains.
~the 'mute' is a sacred button.
~sequence scares me
~random statements, though illogical make more sense.
~Don't you hate it when you have things laid out for you and you can't take the next step.
~As a person I am very weak, it's hard to deal with that when others are busy dealing with many staggering difficulties.
~boxing is such a stupid sport, must kill too many brain cells.
~Poor grammar kills.
~Eww, grossness.
~leadership. I'm good and terrible at it.
~Puppies are wonderful.
~Babies are better.
~Support systems are nice.
~Weird, exceptionally weird.
~inaccurate assumptions tend to do a scary amount of damage.
~spelling is so annoying.
~Oh, so is unconscious repetition.
~Familiar things are nice too.
~Blue is a nice colour.
~The media annoys.
~Electric Fowl.
Posted by Neon Duck at 3:47 PM 11 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
I'm in the ultimate LIMBO
~I should get this copywrited.
~My Cello is Payed off!
~What's with unicorns? Why are deformed horses so inspiring?
~I don't really enjoy holloween, did you know it started with poor people going from house to house begging for food, and in return they paid for the houses dead?
~mmmm floral
~The discovery channel is a fountain of information.
~Mush is so amazing.
~Jason Bourne is so much K00Ler than 007.
~escalaters are going to take over the world, with the help of office Max
~Well, sadly that's all I've got for now, later.
Posted by Neon Duck at 5:10 AM 9 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
I'm entencly aggrivated.
~Metaphors are flammable.
~Often times people are looking to vent and not help.
~Turns out you can blame just about anyone for anything
~Hmm. Is love a deadly disease?
~The older you get the more skewed your views become
~I'm having trouble thinking
~Wow I'm annoyed to no end right now.
~And I feel funny.
~And I need to study for STUPID FRENCH.
~I'm not looking foreword to it, my friends.
~Mums are really nice flowers, they smell good.
~I think if you tried you could detect a pattern in this muddled writing.
~Try it, I dare ya!
~Have fun with that.
~I'm going to study STUPID FRENCH.
~Duck, Neon Duck.
Posted by Neon Duck at 4:21 PM 7 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
And so it continues.
~Actors and Dancers are underpaid.
~Except for Hollywood's.
~I'm so exited, I've got my inspiration, w00t.
~I don't understand all the hype about school dances.
~I truly hope the 80's never comes back
~teachers annoy.
~Claps hands in business like manner
~dramatization. 000oo00
~I named my lap top Clara-belle.
~I want to see London, New York and Rome.
~Partially Detached
~My muse is back
~~~~~~~~~~~That really is a delightful button~~~~lo and behold~~~~
~Neon Duck
Posted by Neon Duck at 12:52 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
~The Redundant Department of Redundancy
~It wasn't a real giant. It seldom is.
~And he married her...dispute her large dowry
~Popularity is doled out in odd patterns
~When it comes down to it I don't make much sense
~Piano is a nice instrument, it requires a lot.
~Whoever came up with the notion of remakes was both brilliant and had all of the keys to societies downfall
~There's a fine line between random and crazy.
~In which case I have impeccable balance
~Don't you hate irrational nerves?
~Have you ever thought of yourself lying in a box with a lid on it?
~Newt newt newt newt.
~Neon Duck
Posted by Neon Duck at 2:12 PM 4 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
sniffle snoffle snoff quack. DUCK FACE.
~'He's so brave doctors can't even find his wound!' ~Best book ever
~I'm always in a limbo between stupendous and horrid
~Sometimes the balance snaps toward horrid.
~even when good things happen
~No wonder I twitch.
~It's a shame Les Miserables isn't on the stage any more.
~Money gets in the way
~Time limits make me want to throw a fit
~and I'm a very well put together person
~It's all in the the duct tape.
~Neeuum is my thoughtful sound, and yes I know why nobody talks to me, thanks.
~I want to travel Europe, that's top of the list.
~Third actually. Breathing is first.
~It's hard to scrunch your face up for an extended period of time
~I make random look easy.
~It's such a comfort my name is speeled correctly....
~This post just isn't as random as others.
~I'd like to break the sparratic cycle of my blogging style right now.
~But then it won't work.
~And now for something completely different!
~scotch tape is so dysfunctional
~It's like biting into a corn dog when you expected a twinkie.
~Twinkies are a global treat right? I wouldn't be surprised if twinkies were only sold in America...
~I love beggars night, I'm STILL going, w00t!
~Neon Duck
Posted by Neon Duck at 11:05 AM 6 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
~I love cold play
~bridal stores are frightening
~Imprisonment isn't all that bad if your unaware of it
~The world is a very vast place
~Things break too easily
~I'm sick
~I should be famous for my crazy mixed feelings. And yet I only have two blog followers.
~The blue bar is so fun to manipulate.
~The strawberry swing
~I think I fell off a jagged cliff in my former life
~This generation is rather full of brats
~Can I possibly blame it on the last generation
~Bruce Springsteen is so good.
~Ah, talent....so rare.
Posted by Neon Duck at 9:13 AM 5 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The second thought.
~Success makes you do stupid things.
~So does nail polish.
~Ohhhh it's the fumes.
~I'm a selective spazer, man alive.
~ Pulling off procrastination is a gift, those who have it rarely use it well
~The dictionary isn't very creative.
~It's also at the heart of a government conspiracy.
~I hope I leave a decent legacy...
~HOW is knowing what all the pronouns are in a particular sentence ever going to help me?
~Ice cream is an inconsiderate dairy.
~Great quantities of accomplishments always have unpleasant side effects.
~Never argue with a person supporting the right to posses weapons.
~Never argue with a sick person either, bbbbaaaadddd results.
~Well have fun in your repetitious little lives.
~I'm trying to break the cycle.
Posted by Neon Duck at 8:04 PM 8 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Trying to rid my head of Geomety...
~The loch-ness monster is sadly missunderstood.
~Only in America do people name themselves after food.
~Of coarse 'Apple' is a cool name.
~What if counseleors make the problem worse...
~What if there's an evil counselors convention?
~Eww, my hand hurts.
~Little bunny foo foo had a long list of problems, the first of which was his name.
~That's a little drastic, even for a bunny.
~ work ethic kills. No joke.
~Ugh nast cough.
~Peppermint is fun to say in a British accent, huh, peppermint peppermint,
~Considering we don't know what death is. it could be.....very nice.
Posted by Neon Duck at 2:59 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I'm procrastinating...
~Ambition is a wonderfully toxic thing
~Why are negative people never excepted?
~Why do teachers delight in handing out homework like it's manna from heaven???
~My computer makes me paranoid.
~Be nice to inanmate objects, you never know which ones will turn on you.
~Television reruns are at the heart and sole of today's problems
~I am a walking talking oxymoron. I wonder how I do it.
~gnomes tend to sell themselves short.
~I wonder what kind of a mind set you have to have to be a politician...scary thought.
~Did you know that for every person added to a group the general IQ goes down? THERE'S my logic for not having many friends!
~Twilight annoys, as do execcive abbreviations.
~g2g. Kidding, kidding. But I really do have to go...
~Oh weird song.
~Neon Duck
Posted by Neon Duck at 3:04 PM 2 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
~old men doing creepy things in your garden. What makes gnomes "cute"
~mY COMPUTER IS being a jerk and I can't figure out why it's rebelling.
~Lookie there it fixed itself.
~Oh ratcakes, no time
~Infomercials confuse me with their liiiieeeesss
~Texas is full of itself.
~Shelby is a delightful name to say with a southern accent.
~Disney is rather pathetic, watering down Greek heroes like that? PISH.
~How high can you skip?
~I'm going to trip. While sitting down.....hmmm.
~Football really brings no inspiration...
~696969696 That looks fun in this font.
~sixninesixninesix. Not so much...
~When you turn everything on it's head, you end up looking at it upside down.
~Right. Well I'm done...
~Duck, NEON Duck.
Posted by Neon Duck at 6:14 AM 6 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
Orange. Light. Glass. And other things buzzing around in my cranium.
'lo all.
I believe it's possible I have even less people coming here than ever. Hmm, well I'm pressing on despite that, and here I am to talk of something with an irritating cover of nothing. w00t.
~Maxwell is a rather charming name.
~If you blink how do you know the whole universe flickers?
~Politics are twitchy, who actually listens to anyone anymore?
~We are all rather pathetically ingrained into our little habits.
~photography is an odd idea, freezing a second in time forever.... an odd notion indeed.
~Yankee Co. Candles are so sadly excessive.
~Did you know there is a long legged wild cat in Africa? Ye gawds, ya learn something new everyday.
~The term mad hatter came from when hatter's got high of a certain fume from the material used for making hats.
~Don't step on the dirigible plums!
~Thinking really is an optional process.
~Neon Duck.
Posted by Neon Duck at 5:52 PM 7 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Irritating Ike.
Hey, I just got my power back yesterday, after affects of hurricane Ike. And I am at a complete loss of things to say - shocker.
~Nothing is more annoying than a misplaced accent.
~My laptop is my Muse's cohort
~Why would an 'Indian Summer' ever be an appealing scent?
~my second worst nightmare involves an automatic stapler
~well not really but seriously, staples, acting of their own accord? come on we're setting ourselves up for failure
~why on earth would someones alliteration make me want to buy their product?
~I am a realist stuck inside a romantics brain.
~How do I know this? Ask the gnomes
~you never realize how tacky something is until you see it on film.
~Politics annoy me, people only listen to what they want to hear.
~ornate is a fun word that I have remembered.
~sleep is such an inconvenient need.
~must give in
~terribly sorry.
~I won't promise anything because if I do I can't keep them.
~Neon Duck.
Posted by Neon Duck at 7:20 PM 3 comments
Sunday, August 31, 2008
La de da and other space fillers.
I am blogging to find out what I'm blogging about. How odd is that?
dum-dum is in the dictionary. under it is three words. A stupid person. I didn't know the book could be so frank.
I wonder how false wood feels about being a wannabe.
Is subconscious repetition is actually conscious. If so my conscious is trying to get me killed.
It really is a glorious morning. One that promises an intriguing day.
I wonder how people started theater, it's kind of silly if you think about it. People in the back round dress in black and pretend not to be there. People pretend to be someone else and pretend they don't know that there are hundreds of people in front of them and hundreds of people pretend not to know they are modern people and pretend not to know there are people in black in the back round. Throughout all the silliness something wonderful comes out.
The Jonas Brothers annoy me. They remake a Beatles song and then they can't even name all the Beatles's. Stupid Yoko Ono.
I wonder what kind of a mind set is required to be a politician.
I think some people are like processed food and some people are like wine.
Some are consumed immediately and give a pungent fake taste that is merely pleasing for a few minutes.
Others are left to learn and think for years and years until they are consumed and they give pleasure for entire evenings.
I wonder if you thought that was weird.
Was I aiming for that?
It's hard to be me.
I think this should be a new kind of writing, making a list of anything you think about plus slightly different.
I call it the research.
Posted by Neon Duck at 8:30 AM 4 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
I don't understand reality television, it's stupid and brings the worst out in people. Big Brother? how classless can you get?
Diving looks like a dangerous sport. They are like 6 inches from breaking their faces.
Inspiration comes in unfair patterns.
Why do Realtors only make little magnetic calenders for advertisement? That's not all that original.
People can be really stupid sometimes.
brochures always lie, remember that and you'll go far.
Being a dork rules earth.
Ceremonies tend to be overrated.
I'll try to actually talk about SOMETHING next time.
~Neon Duck.
Posted by Neon Duck at 5:46 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
Random things I thought of and think you may find interesting...
Sorry, I know, long time no write. Well nothings been going on lately and I think my muse is on a two week hangover. This results in very few posts.
SO for lack of anything else to write I'm just going to slap some randomocity together for you.
~Can you be reincarnated as someone already alive?
~ Breaking Dawn was an awkward failure.
~Does taking up a habit affect your personality or do you change according to what you think that habit is, or is that the same thing?
~Why does society rally around people with questionable identities? I mean look at *twitch, Twitch* Hannah Montana
~Why does the entire world come together over sports with the Olympics? Why can't it be like, academic or something like that? Excelling at those things don't get any glory.
~Gymnastics is not for the timid.
~Do you find inspiration or does inspiration find you?
~I don't understand people who try to put body language into a science.
~If I moved to NY I wonder if I would have any friends
~I wonder what is would be like to be really minutely small, like Chinese feminine small, weird.
~Guys from Europe are REALLY hotttt.
~I wonder if I think funny.
~Hum I'm out of things to say. You are probably thankful. I'll talk soon, no worries.
Posted by Neon Duck at 7:12 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Reaching beyond the great streach of blank space that is my mind.
Right. I've got nothing to say, nothing to criticise, be sarcastic about, or rant on. I'm not writing much because I kept thinking about how I was going to kill of certain characters in my book, sad, eh?
OH!! That reminds me, I have some nice interesting quotes on death.
~Considering we don't know what, exactly death is, it could be... very nice.
~Have you ever considered yourself, lying in a box with a lid on it? I suppose it doesn't matter, since, you'd be dead.
~I wonder when if there was a moment, in my youth, where it occurred to me that one doesn't go on forever, there must have been a moment. It must have been shattering. Yet I can't remember it. We must be born with an intuition of mortality.
~Today, humans try to know everything, it makes death and life all the more ominous.
Right. Can't promise anything more cherry, but then, the future is the great unknown.
Posted by Neon Duck at 7:37 PM 5 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I'm sure you missed me.
Alright, well I'm back and I didn't fall off the edge and I have a lot of laudry to do and I have a freaking 83 unread messages in my inbox and so yeah, I'm not spazing tho, that's for my family to do. I am also training myself to constantly talk in a british accent for whatever reason.
Posted by Neon Duck at 5:18 PM 4 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Vacation, w00t.
Right so, this week I'm going on vacation to the Grand Canyon, so I obviously won't be here, unless if I get my hands on some Internet access so, yeah, you can check in, whatever.
~Electrical Fowl.
Posted by Neon Duck at 6:07 PM 4 comments
Friday, July 11, 2008
A question and preamble for writers.
SO, I have a question for writers who comment, actually it's not really a question is more rhetoric, but that's irrelevant. Anyway, my question;
Why do you post your stories on line with NO copyright NO security NO and NO way to know who is seeing it?
Seriously, I mean anyone could steal your hard work and a) you'd have no way to know it b)they would get away with it and c) it looks good to have a c option, kidding, kidding.
What brought this up is my friend told me to start a blog with the story I'm writing but then I realised the dangers of this. I am going to try and publish it (Shot for the moon, if you miss you might get sucked into a black hole). And I don't know where I'm going with this and no one will likely listen but you know, I tried.
Posted by Neon Duck at 5:04 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Alright so the fourth of July wasn't quite as disastrous as I had feared but it wasn't exactly a picnic (Ha ha, like it wasn't a picnic but it wasn't fun, ha, I thought it was funny....) SO I learned some interesting things about my great grandparents and Aunts and Uncles like I read the letter my great Uncle wrote, he was in the war and he wrote it seven days before he died. And my great granddad was named Leonardus and was in the circus and played twenty different instruments. I AM RELATED TO SOME KOOL PEOPLE AFTER ALL! And I had a great Uncle the died at two years and like NOBODY knew about it, oh and there was a scandal that I probably shouldn't explain...
So yeah, that's what I did.
~Neon Duck.
Posted by Neon Duck at 1:12 PM 5 comments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Right, so I've been taking a dialect course through children's theater, (it's not really a children's theater it's more teens and adults with a few children spattered about in their programs) and it's really hard and I don't think I will ever be able to stop talking in a standered British accent, if I'll ever be able to talk again that is because it really hurt your mouth.
The hardest part is having to switch between New York accents and British and southern accents really fast, it's hard because you have to totally rearrange your mouth to do it, it's completely mental but it's the funnest (is that a word?) thing I've done all summer.
I guess that makes me mental too.
~Neon Duck
Posted by Neon Duck at 6:49 AM 5 comments
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Okay so who all knows about Shakespeare/the story of Hamlet? I'm guessing not many, but the premise of the story is Hamlets father dies and then his father's spirit comes back to tell him that he was murdered and causes all sorts of mishaps and 2 people going crazy. w00t. SO Besides enlightening u on amazing classical literature I was just going to comment that when I die I wonder if my spirit will be able to cause that much damage. I wonder what I would do if I came back as a ghost...Wreak havoc probably, BEWARE DARK MATTER, BEWARE! Screw the friendly ghost bit. So yeah that can stir your minds to a good extent and if u go crazy I'll know I don't NEED to come back as a ghost.
~Neon Duck.
Posted by Neon Duck at 3:22 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
The fourth of terror.
Did you know that there are a few steps and state of minds to starting the blog?
The first of which is blogging constantly the second is the constant blogging gets old and then it dies down, the third is getting the first comments, fourth is being disheartened by the few comments and stop blogging or the alternative is blogging forever whether anyone reads it or not. Sorry I told you that human nature is an interest of mine.
Alright, so as the Fourth of July is coming soon I thought I'd spend a few moments sharing my thoughts on the topic:
The fourth of July terrifies me to no end, fireworks. Fireworks are killer. I mean I am a complete pyromaniac, yours truly but fireworks freak me out. Maybe I just have a bad history because on more than one occasion I have been found hiding in my Aunts' house during the pyrotechnics.
The second reason I fear the fourth of July is all the weird family members. I mean I think most people have normal run of the mill odd family members. Of course the thought of socializing with my family (even the normal ones) scares me, especially when the cousins that I used to semi relate to bring their boyfriends or girl friends and then I just eat and listen the entire evening.
Yeah, I am totally pumped, wishing you better Holiday experiences,
~Neon Duck.
Posted by Neon Duck at 8:19 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Oh? Hello there.
Hello there,
As you can see and concer this is a brand new blog that will eventullay start rambling on and on and on...... Oh. Sorry, okay so an introduction is highly neccicary I believe: I am The one and only neon duck, don't ask about the name, it has a long irrelivat rambling history. Okay I've been seen before in The guide to nerdiocity at http://www.nerdygirlys.blogspot.com/ that's a whole large amount of great fun. SO I am venturing out into the large terrifying world of bloging all by myself so long B! Hello everyone else. +)
Okay, I'm done for now.....
~Neon Duck.
Posted by Neon Duck at 5:56 PM 1 comments