Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm entencly aggrivated.

~Metaphors are flammable.

~Often times people are looking to vent and not help.

~Turns out you can blame just about anyone for anything


~Hmm. Is love a deadly disease?

~The older you get the more skewed your views become

~I'm having trouble thinking

~Wow I'm annoyed to no end right now.

~And I feel funny.

~And I need to study for STUPID FRENCH.

~I'm not looking foreword to it, my friends.


~Mums are really nice flowers, they smell good.


~I think if you tried you could detect a pattern in this muddled writing.

~Try it, I dare ya!

~Have fun with that.

~I'm going to study STUPID FRENCH.

~Duck, Neon Duck.

Friday, October 24, 2008

And so it continues.

~Actors and Dancers are underpaid.

~Except for Hollywood's.

~I'm so exited, I've got my inspiration, w00t.

~I don't understand all the hype about school dances.

~I truly hope the 80's never comes back

~teachers annoy.

~Claps hands in business like manner


~dramatization. 000oo00

~I named my lap top Clara-belle.

~I want to see London, New York and Rome.

~Partially Detached

~My muse is back

~~~~~~~~~~~That really is a delightful button~~~~lo and behold~~~~

~Neon Duck

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


~The Redundant Department of Redundancy

~It wasn't a real giant. It seldom is.

~And he married her...dispute her large dowry

~Popularity is doled out in odd patterns

~When it comes down to it I don't make much sense

~Piano is a nice instrument, it requires a lot.

~Whoever came up with the notion of remakes was both brilliant and had all of the keys to societies downfall

~There's a fine line between random and crazy.

~In which case I have impeccable balance

~Don't you hate irrational nerves?

~Have you ever thought of yourself lying in a box with a lid on it?


~Newt newt newt newt.

~Neon Duck

Sunday, October 19, 2008

sniffle snoffle snoff quack. DUCK FACE.

~'He's so brave doctors can't even find his wound!' ~Best book ever

~I'm always in a limbo between stupendous and horrid

~Sometimes the balance snaps toward horrid.

~even when good things happen

~No wonder I twitch.

~It's a shame Les Miserables isn't on the stage any more.

~Money gets in the way

~Time limits make me want to throw a fit

~and I'm a very well put together person

~It's all in the the duct tape.

~Neeuum is my thoughtful sound, and yes I know why nobody talks to me, thanks.

~I want to travel Europe, that's top of the list.

~Third actually. Breathing is first.

~It's hard to scrunch your face up for an extended period of time

~I make random look easy.

~It's such a comfort my name is speeled correctly....

~This post just isn't as random as others.

~I'd like to break the sparratic cycle of my blogging style right now.

~But then it won't work.

~And now for something completely different!

~scotch tape is so dysfunctional

~It's like biting into a corn dog when you expected a twinkie.

~Twinkies are a global treat right? I wouldn't be surprised if twinkies were only sold in America...

~I love beggars night, I'm STILL going, w00t!

~Neon Duck

Saturday, October 18, 2008


~I love cold play

~bridal stores are frightening

~Imprisonment isn't all that bad if your unaware of it

~The world is a very vast place

~Things break too easily

~I'm sick

~I should be famous for my crazy mixed feelings. And yet I only have two blog followers.

~The blue bar is so fun to manipulate.

~The strawberry swing

~I think I fell off a jagged cliff in my former life

~This generation is rather full of brats

~Can I possibly blame it on the last generation

~Bruce Springsteen is so good.

~Ah, rare.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

The second thought.

~Success makes you do stupid things.

~So does nail polish.

~Ohhhh it's the fumes.

~I'm a selective spazer, man alive.

~ Pulling off procrastination is a gift, those who have it rarely use it well


~The dictionary isn't very creative.

~It's also at the heart of a government conspiracy.

~I hope I leave a decent legacy...

~HOW is knowing what all the pronouns are in a particular sentence ever going to help me?

~Ice cream is an inconsiderate dairy.

~Great quantities of accomplishments always have unpleasant side effects.

~Never argue with a person supporting the right to posses weapons.

~Never argue with a sick person either, bbbbaaaadddd results.

~Well have fun in your repetitious little lives.

~I'm trying to break the cycle.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Trying to rid my head of Geomety...

~The loch-ness monster is sadly missunderstood.

~Only in America do people name themselves after food.

~Of coarse 'Apple' is a cool name.

~What if counseleors make the problem worse...

~What if there's an evil counselors convention?

~Eww, my hand hurts.

~Little bunny foo foo had a long list of problems, the first of which was his name.

~That's a little drastic, even for a bunny.

~ work ethic kills. No joke.

~Ugh nast cough.

~Peppermint is fun to say in a British accent, huh, peppermint peppermint,

~Considering we don't know what death is. it could be.....very nice.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I'm procrastinating...

~Ambition is a wonderfully toxic thing

~Why are negative people never excepted?

~Why do teachers delight in handing out homework like it's manna from heaven???

~My computer makes me paranoid.

~Be nice to inanmate objects, you never know which ones will turn on you.

~Television reruns are at the heart and sole of today's problems

~I am a walking talking oxymoron. I wonder how I do it.

~gnomes tend to sell themselves short.

~I wonder what kind of a mind set you have to have to be a politician...scary thought.

~Did you know that for every person added to a group the general IQ goes down? THERE'S my logic for not having many friends!

~Twilight annoys, as do execcive abbreviations.

~g2g. Kidding, kidding. But I really do have to go...

~Oh weird song.

~Neon Duck

Saturday, October 11, 2008


~old men doing creepy things in your garden. What makes gnomes "cute"

~mY COMPUTER IS being a jerk and I can't figure out why it's rebelling.

~Lookie there it fixed itself.

~Oh ratcakes, no time

~Infomercials confuse me with their liiiieeeesss

~Texas is full of itself.

~Shelby is a delightful name to say with a southern accent.

~Disney is rather pathetic, watering down Greek heroes like that? PISH.

~How high can you skip?

~I'm going to trip. While sitting down.....hmmm.

~Football really brings no inspiration...

~696969696 That looks fun in this font.

~sixninesixninesix. Not so much...

~When you turn everything on it's head, you end up looking at it upside down.

~Right. Well I'm done...

~Duck, NEON Duck.