Friday, January 30, 2009

Happily ever after...

~I don't have anything to say. This rarely happens. Perhaps that may be because I...I...I don't know.

~Stupid people scare me.

~Aticlimatic stories are refreshing at times.

~I wonder if symbolism can happen if the writer doesn't intend it to happen.

~Stories tend to take on a life of there own.

~La de da.....................

~Why is 'I don't have any parents' a popular theme? I believe it must have lost it's shine from over use...

~Hmmm....Nothing else to say, I've come to a full circle.


Monday, January 26, 2009


~Styrofoam is the root of all evil

~Lame is probably one of the best feelings in the world, next to being poked with rusty nails.

~WHY OH WHY are we being brainwashed everyday by atending this pit called school?!?!

~I'm sick. Yet I'm still here. funsies.

~I wonder what goes on in peoples does any actual thought go on up there or is it an
lindsey sez hi!!!!!!!!! empty vault collecting cobwebs?

~Yes, Hello linz.

~Have you ever noticed how perfectly sane people can look mad.

~ Following in someone's footsteps is hard if you have a different shoe size.

~Have you ever noticed the beutiful silence of snow, and then you take a step and really cold snow gets in your old chucks, yeah, it was really pretty...



Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Thought I'd step out of the every day hum drum randomness to take a moment to say:

Even though this country isn't perfect by any means, even though the economy is plummeting, and even though the positive side seems to be shrinking daily, this country has shown that they are open minded enough to put a black man in office.

What a glorious nation.



Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I'm going on...

~I have this weird notion that this past week never happened.

~And that would be perfectly fine with me.

~There isn't enough time in a day

~Why do people have to turn everything into a big deal?

~I got a blue and red fish.

~I named it Walter, because fish a dreamers.


~I'm procrastination, because French is looking mildly menacing.

~Daydreaming about my future is depressing...

~Life doesn't accommodate anything.

~Hey Jude.

Hey I only made like three spelling mistakes! EPIC!


Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm quite sure everything may work our in it's on good time. Good time, though, isn't fast.

~stupid coaches. Stupid sport, rarge!

~And while I'm at it stupid stupid stupid stupid teachers and all their stupid busy work they entitle homework.

~OH! and stupid gym for being pointless!

~I think right about now is the time to invest in a more expansive vocabulary.

~Ugh! Stupid French Partner too!

~Elenore Rigby picks up the rice in a church where a wedding has been...

~Oh! I've got another one! Stupid me for not being able to produce a single paragraph that would help my story.

~Sometimes it seems like I've lived in a smallish box I call my world and when my box gets a small hole in it I'll suffer from UV rays like Gollum and shrivel into oblivian....wait...I don't think that was the intended direction of this bullet.

~Popcorn sounds like a great idea*SNAPS*....Nothing happened. Darnit.

~I think men came out of Pandora's box.

~Talking through a cigarette looks like It'd be hard.

~Stupid me for not practising and snapping the C string.

~HA that last one wasn't my fault!It's frigged in this stupid part of the nation.

~Life is a lot of compromising.


~Good actors, good actors....+D.
