~Due to my discovery of Facebook and summer vacation my blogging has been a little pathetic recently.
~Okay, a LOT pathetic, but I'm willing to move beyond it if you are.
~Funny, how when everything is going pleasantly your world explodes.
~I'm a high schooler!
~My novel is feeling neglected.
~ Someone called me a nerd (Like with negative connotations) for the first time today.
~ I didn't care.
~HEY! Get get get get get over it.
~Cath, it seems, that you've lived someone else's dream
~House all to myself.
~I'm trying rather desperately to learn a Russian accent.
~How come everyone acts like NEON DUCK is new, it's like I'm being suddenly discovered, like my friendships were built on sand when I thought it was on a sturdy mountain top.
~Peace to your world.
~Neon Ducking.
Oh hey.
13 years ago
Don't you love it though?...you should get used to exploding worlds...
haha...a Russian accent
we think we have a mountain...but its never quite so...
peace to your world as well
good to have you back!
Wahay, how is high school? is it massive change, or better or worse than your old school.
Star Trek was fab, i got cofuzed, Ill admit, but it was pretty darn good :)
Ducky, I heart you. Facebook SO killed the classic blogging experience. If video killed the radio star, Facebook is going to eat the Guide alive. Just sayin'. Here's to summer. And Star Trek (17, sir!)
the beauty of it though...is that they're all truly there still///
it is...but unfortunately I didn't get to enjoy it to its fullest
i really liked that quote about the small stone on the mountain,it was a gudden!
things did work out ok, so its all good thanks :)
hope all is well with you?
sorry this is so short!
grace X
It too bad though, because that ego tricks people into believing that they haven't gotten to that land you speak of.
Without that parasitic ego they'd realize it though...
im like the exact opposite, i can never give people advice, i just always seem to get it wrong, unless i have been in my situation myself, i mean i can feel empathy and be nice, but i never quite know what to say! I think i would much rather be able to give good advice like you :)
grace X
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