~ Love, like everything else changes. At least I think it does. the kind that involves family and friends does anyway.
~I'm losing followers I think. +/
~Happiness comes in breaks.
~Cows are truly bizarre.
~Rebels sometimes feel like fitting in, then they do, and become disgusted with themselves.
~I"m on multiple quests at the moment.
~My blog is like a quest journal.
~oodles is a fun adjective.
~Embarrassment takes a while to shake.
~Math. *Falls over*
~ THE RUBY IN THE SMOKE the masterpiece theatre production is the best movie ever! (But then again everything masterpiece theatre does is epic) I believe I will watch it 13 more times before returning it.
~I'm reading To Kill a Mockingbird at the moment, it's pretty good. I'm getting a kick out of the Southern accents. But I always get a kick out of accents.
~Love you mother.
Oh hey.
13 years ago